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2 min readNov 2, 2021

One of the most traumatic experiences for me is separation. I hate that when a relationship ended. Breaking up, death, moving to another city, I need years to deal with the pain and loss. I think it's related to my human traits and feeling of deep attachment in life. Over time, I learn that everything is temporary. Sometimes the separation happens because there are things that underserve you anymore. I somehow can shift my emotions from sad to relief. Because I know what happens in life is under God’s direction.

Then, I saw Case Kenny wrote this:

I am unbothered by someone who doesn’t have the courage to say how they feel.

I am grateful they showed me their true colors today rather than some time down the line.

I am worthy of someone who chooses me in the same way I choose them.

I am hopeful because I know that person exists.

I am self made because I decide how to react to being ghosted — I am self made because my standard is higher and my resolve is stronger than ever before.

The resolve you create for yourself is everything.

I hope your resolve is one where you love yourself even more, you respect yourself even more, you raise your standard even higher and you become more unbothered by that kind of flawed behavior.

I hope you love yourself more because you know what you’re worthy of, you’re grateful that person showed you who they really are, you’re hopeful and optimistic for your future and most of all… you’re self made by that experience because YOU decide what to do next.



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An empath who tries to balance the chaos around me